Panther-P-LIGHT ESR-19264 12LA
Panther-P-LIGHT ESR-19264 12LAPanther-P-LIGHT ESR-19264 12LA
Panther-P-LIGHT ESR-19264 12LAPanther-Nembo-31158 00LA SB
Panther-Nembo-31158 00LA SBPanther-Nembo-31158 00LA SB
Panther-Nembo-31158 00LA SBPanther-Bernini-3234601LAS3
Panther-Bernini-3234601LAS3Breathable, water-repellent
with extra thickness to guarantee better stability and comfort.
UPPER full grain waxy leather. Water repellent anti abrasion inserts. New HUGGING SYSTEM counter
Three-dimensional PLASMAFEEL fabric. Resistant to wear and tear and peeling, with special features of breathability and
quick drying
SOLE Polyurethane-rubber. Expanded polyurethane midsole, guarantees both total comfort and shock absorption on any kind of surface.
Anti-static, rubber outsole, resistant to a contact heat of up to 300°, hi-grip, resistant to corrosion by oils and hydrocarbons.
elastic capacity
Multi-layer composite
Moreover, it guarantees perfect thermal insulation.
TOE CAP Cap -Composite, ultra-lightweight, undetectable by metal detectors, shock absorption max. 200 Joules, exceptional
MIDSOLE TEXON ENIGMA ZERO HT2, extremely flexible, lightweight, imperceptible during walking.
SIZES 38-48
W EIGHT 830 g
(size 42)
dry. Shock absorber to ensure greater comfort
– Thermoformed in FUSSTATIC, removable, antibacterial, antistatic and absorbent for a foot always
Panther-Rossini-32374 01LA S3
Panther-Rossini-32374 01LA S3Panther-Rossini-32374 01LA S3
Panther-Rossini-32374 01LA S3UPPERWaterprooffullgrainleatherwithantiabrasionscuffcapLININGwaterproof membrane TEPOR® that disperses moisture outside the shoe proportionallytotheamountofsweatproduced:themoreyousweat,themorethemembraneactivates.Thermo–regulatingmembraneWINTHERM®thatinsulatesthefootfromthecoldandheatINSOLEHEAT COMFY – Thermoformed. Neddle-tufted felt and aluminium frabric that is anti–bacterial, breathable and absorbent. It isolates against cold and heat, used in CI and HI footwear.SOLEPU/RUBBER BASF PUR Elastopan® polyurethane foam insole, ensures the maximum comfort and the absorption of the impact on all surfaces. Polyurethane outsole, with an elevated grip, resistant to up to a 300°C (HRO certified), guarantees the maximum levels of slip resistance. Resistant to corrosion by oils and hydrocarbons. It leaves no mark on the surface.LASTThe anatomical shape of the injected sole, unlike removable insoles, is inalterable for the entire lifetime of the shoe. The ANATOMIC SOLE, following the natural morpholo–gy of the foot, provides a natural support to all its points, ensuring maximum comfortTOE CAPThe POWER CAP is in multilayer fiberglass and rubber particulate. It stands out foritsrobustnessandlightness,guaranteeingashockabsorptionuptoamax.200Joules.Beingmetal–freeisisundetactablebyametadetector,andhelpstomaintainaconstantbodytemperature.Itprovidesmaxmumsafetyevenatextremetemperaturesaboveandbelowzero,providingathermalinsulationthatisbetterthanaluminumorsteeltoe–caps.ItexceedstheEN–ISO12568requirements.MIDSOLETEXON ENIGMA ZERO HT2 Non-metallic antistatic, flexible, anti-perforation fabric insole, built with several layers of high-tenacity fibers. It ensures perfect thermal insulation Compliant with: EN 12568:2012; EN ISO 20344/345; CSA-Z195-14; ASTM F2413-18ANTI-TORSIONSUPPORTCOMPOSHANK Anti-torsion support in ABS. It is applied between the anti perforation midsole and the midsole, corresponding to the arch of the foot. It improves stability on ladders, where foot support is not complete. ANTI-STATICDEVICESILVER STRIP DISCHARGE (SSD) Conductive cotton tape and silver threads inside the upper and in contact with the foot. It is an anti-static device that guarantees greater safety than the standard, increases the dispersive capacity of the electrostatic charges throughout the life of the shoes.WEIGHT SIZE 42 760 grSIZES 38-48